Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just Born Collection - Organic

I love to work with organic cotton. For this collection I used Nature's Choice Organic cotton yarn by Lion Brand: http://www.lionbrand.com/yarns/naturesChoice.html
But what does it really mean, and what are the benefits of using organic yarn?
Organic yarn means that the fiber the yarn is made from was produced without the use of man-made chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizer. When the fiber comes from an animal, the animal must be fed organic feed and raised under organic standards.
You can purchase patterns Beezy Mom's Creations, finished hats Beezy Mom's Boutique

Enjoy the pictures :)
Thank you very much to Donielle Brinkman Live Loved Photography for the gorgeous photos! www.livelovedphotography.com

New logo!

Got my new Logo :)
Check her Etsy shop, she is very talanted: www.etsy.com/shop/Logolane
Thank you Susan!